Its been a long time since I update my blog.....well...what to do kalo line tenet mcm siput b*** (Im not cursing ok....itu btul2 nme sjenis binatang....) Well....lots have happened this sem tp stakat ni....ini la gmbr2 yg bjaye aku upload dgn kadar line tenet yg mcm nk xnk je srh aku on9....ops sory folks...this entry is rojak k...mlm da smakin larut...otak aku da xleh nk gune elaborated code da (kalo kome blajo sociolinguistic tau la kome elaborated code tu ape)....aku smacam xpecaye bahawasanya aku aku mula bpraktikal pd 9 Mei ini nnti....siyes weyh...aku xredy pa pe pn nih....mmbr suh bli buku praktikum aku bli...mmbr ajak pg seminar aku pg jgak tp mcm xde motip je aku buat bnde2 tu sbb aku spt blom sggp mninggalkan uni kesayangan aku ini (sayang la sgt)....Well...ape2 pun....mak nk story la kt korg ape yg blaku spjg sem 6 ini.....well...I got a lot of story (gedik plak I pg2 bute ni) I gtau yg penting je la k....sem ni as usual la....saimen....presentation...saimen...presentation....opppss...lupe plak...macro n micro teaching....hahahaha....almost all the subjects for this sem required us to do teaching session...xkire la dlm lab ke dlm blk kuliah ke dlm actual classroom ke...sume kte org buat sem ni....nk kate takut tu xlah tp nebes ttp ade....nebes sbb aku takut aku bg ajaran sesat kt budak2....micro teaching yg w'oll buat kt lab xyah cite bese...ko ngajo pstu mmbr2 ko pretend la jg students (dlm kes kls aku.....mmbr2 sume mmg perangai msh cm budak ting 1 atau 2...hahahahhaa...)...pstu ko ngajo la ikut suke engko....nsb aku bek la sbb bleh buat teaching ngn bek dlm lab....maap ye...aku xsnap picha dlm kls aku beralih plak ke teaching session in GENERAL ENGLISH CLASS.....
Aku lupe la tarikh aku ngajo kls mmg fun la....sbb 1, budak2 sume dgr ckp (atau mgkn mrk behave slps mlihat saiz badan aku....hmmm) 2, budak2 kls yg aku ajar ni xlah skema sgt..siap bleh main2kn aku plak seb bek mak bleh control class....kang kalo aku baling ngn kasut kang msk newsppr plak muke aku....mule2 nk ngajo tu mmg nebes pn...da la mse 2 sibuk nk ngundi pastu b4 teaching session tu ade kls plak....aku redho je yg aku ingt hr aku ngajo ni sumthing yg bek happened kt aku baik la....xtau la bg org lain...hehehehe....sesi pgajaran happened for 1 an a half hour....bile da nk abis je kls tu aku trus lege....xyah da pikir psl macroteaching ni....kte org 4 org (aku, kele, cip n kvin) buat ni pn sbb asaimen....markah xkuar2 g ni....hrp2 la dpt yg memuaskan....letih mak ngajo tau...
Ini la budak-budak kelas G.E yg aku ajar tu....ade g gmbr len tp kt gmbr2 len aku tlebih gedik aku upload la gmbr yg mane aku brade dlm keadaan plg sopan....
Pas ngajar budak2 uni....kte org 4 org (still group mmbr yg same...fantastic 4 la katekan) get redy plak utk sesi pgajaran kt actual class.....mule2 da setting nk buat awal2.....siap da call da cgu kt skolah 2.....da set date....pstu ade plak aral mlintang kt tgh2 jln so tpakse la kte org aku lupe la ape yg myebabkan kte org sibuk mase mmg sibuk la....bkn sibuk2 yg direka2 tp sememangnya sibuk yg teramat sgt.....last2....kne buat time nk hjg2 sem seb bek dlm kls yg cgu English die ok...sporting plak tu....xbyk yg xbestnye dpt plak kls yg plg hjg....kalo da kls hjg tu ko tau la cmne budak2 die....sabo je la aku....our group buat 2 sesi....sesi pertame tu sesi kvin n cip....hahahaha....the funny thing is mase time kalut2 nk g SMK Kalumpang 2 plak hp kvin pandai t'off kte org 3 minachi ni pn nek la teksi g skolah 2....cip da nebes da....kvin x angkat2 fon...but thank God....die smpai jgak akhirnye (cm cite action pack la plak...hero smpai almost at the end...hahahaha)....sesi aku ngn kele plak was on the following week....seb bek la budak2 faham ape aku ckp.....kalo x....mybe aku hrs tukar profession la kot....ngajar budak2 yg level of proficiency die low mmg kene byk our session siap....the last macro teaching is finally done!!!
Ni la gaye mak ala2 bakal guru English....suke gak buat macro teaching ni...yg aku xsuke is the lesson plan la.....huh!!!...penat je nk buat.....well...kate nk jd cgu bjaye....sabo je la....
Ok...skrg sbb aku mls nk susun picha ni ikut tarikh kejadian...aku je story je k.....maapkan mak ye....mak da letih study tok final ni....ini adalah acara selingan sbb otak aku xleh nk digest ilmu2 yg tpampang dlm buku yg aku bace....
So....easy 2 say....sem ni ngn sem lps kte org xbyk buat gathering sbb ade RQ dr mmbr2 yg merengek nk kuar mkn kte org pn g la kt kedai makan dpn traffic light (maapnye....kalo anda xtau)......gathering same2...mkn same2....ketawe same2....myeksa jiwa waiter yg amik order kte org same2....n sume la same2....
Ok this pic was taken after the dinner.....time ni abg mafia blaje kte org ice krim kt kte org pn mkn la ice krim kt tepi da xleh la lepak lame2 cm dulu....abis je ice krim kte org pn blah....but I have so much fun with my friends that night....we should do this more often ya...
Ini plak kisah bas balik kolej lambat sampai kt PC (Proton City) blajo kt kilang buat wat...ade mak kisah??? least tmpt blajo selesa.....kalo boring2 bleh la g lap kt kilang proton....nk nk kete ape....ckp je...bderet kete proton kt sane....amik je mane ko bese la...mak2 joyah ni kalo ade hp pn jd la....asl amik siyes sey...mak da smakin mgembang!!!!...OMG!!!!....hahaha...well...anyway anyhow....still the vague the vogue gtu kan....
Ini time Rod Ellis dtg UPSI.....ade lg mmbr2 kls aku dtg time ni for ushering the guest for the seminar.....letih la jgak sbb mule2 tu mcm lost xtau nk buat ape tp last2 kte org dok dlm bangunan E-learing n enjoying the aircond n the luxurious sofa set.....hehehehe...mkn pn free....dpt sijil....booth ni is one of the booth made by our juniors....markah asaimen la ktekan sbb 2 la cantik...hehehehe...
Chinese New Year 2011.....mlm ni was CNY eve.....mule2 tu aku dok umh je sbb boy aku sibuk ngn family member die utk fire crakcers session (my favret part on CNY...hehehe)....almost midnight 2 die called tnye nk tgk firecracker x.....sgt2 x relevan soklan die....spt btanya kpd budak umur 5 tahun nk ke xnk lolipop...op coz la mak that nite I almost ruined my ears.....bako mercun dpn2 muke mane x mmg best la...I think that was my 1st CNY eve with him....hoping there's more to come....:))

Ni la xtvt I kalo I balik hometown...lepak2....sory k...I tau la I nk jd educators tp I still young at heart dun bother about my social life is about....just dun!!!.....but I miss this moment...x sabo2 nk blk rmh...huhuhuhu...dok kt TM ni mcm dok kt desert.....xtau nk buat ape....pdhal dkt ngn KL....dkt2 pn kalo xde fulus xleh g mane2 ga kan....hehehehe....
Ini la Mr. Rod Ellis.....smpt ga la amik gmbr2 kenangan ngn least ade la jgak event yg aku joined spjg aku mgaji kt UPSI ni....
Ok gmbr ini myimpan sribu kenangan dan kegembiraan aku ngn mmbr2 aku....firstly, kte org bjaye mempertahankan maruah kte org sbg senior citizen TESL kt sini....secondly, letih da gado2....kalo xmenang aku rase smpai sem 8 kot aku nyesal....hahahaha...seb bek menang...letih da kte org blatih tau...mcm2 tjadi...pdhal blatih br brp mggu je....bese la...stress la katekan....kalo da stress sume jd xbtol....otak pn mcm da sewel2 sket....this picha was taken after the result was announced....dgr je MC sbt sem 6 trus aku mjerit cm org gile....ade aku kisah...kte org da menang suke ati I la nk jerit kuat mane pn....:PP
Lepas recite the text sume lege...sape yg nk tkencing da kencing...sape yg nk pitam pn x pitam ape lg....amik gmbr la....hehehehe


Well....thats all for now....pic2 yg xde statement 2 biar la mmbr2 aku buat statement sndri k (sbnrnye....aku da ketandusan idea)....ape2 pn....skrg aku tgh siap2 utk final exam...sebut je final aku rs cm nk quit...da 6 sem pn aku msh pikir la kan...sape la manusie yg suke final.....???...pastu nk tls jwpn yg pjg2 plak 2.....budak2 uni ni.....kalo nmpk org len pnye jwpn lg pjg dr die...die knfm2 minta ketas kt akak or abg pgawas....xnk kalah la katekan (padahal ntah pa pe die tulis pn aku xtau)
Well to all my gud friends here.....all the best for u guys.....hope u guys pray 4 me 2.....lps exam xde cuti2 ye....yg nk blk kmpg lps cuti ingt blk sini balik.....jgn memandai buat cuti sndri....well...mak cau sin zi dlu ye....nk tdo da ni....jap g aym da nk bkokok da....bubbye....
peace out....
Aku lupe la tarikh aku ngajo kls mmg fun la....sbb 1, budak2 sume dgr ckp (atau mgkn mrk behave slps mlihat saiz badan aku....hmmm) 2, budak2 kls yg aku ajar ni xlah skema sgt..siap bleh main2kn aku plak seb bek mak bleh control class....kang kalo aku baling ngn kasut kang msk newsppr plak muke aku....mule2 nk ngajo tu mmg nebes pn...da la mse 2 sibuk nk ngundi pastu b4 teaching session tu ade kls plak....aku redho je yg aku ingt hr aku ngajo ni sumthing yg bek happened kt aku baik la....xtau la bg org lain...hehehehe....sesi pgajaran happened for 1 an a half hour....bile da nk abis je kls tu aku trus lege....xyah da pikir psl macroteaching ni....kte org 4 org (aku, kele, cip n kvin) buat ni pn sbb asaimen....markah xkuar2 g ni....hrp2 la dpt yg memuaskan....letih mak ngajo tau...
Pas ngajar budak2 uni....kte org 4 org (still group mmbr yg same...fantastic 4 la katekan) get redy plak utk sesi pgajaran kt actual class.....mule2 da setting nk buat awal2.....siap da call da cgu kt skolah 2.....da set date....pstu ade plak aral mlintang kt tgh2 jln so tpakse la kte org aku lupe la ape yg myebabkan kte org sibuk mase mmg sibuk la....bkn sibuk2 yg direka2 tp sememangnya sibuk yg teramat sgt.....last2....kne buat time nk hjg2 sem seb bek dlm kls yg cgu English die ok...sporting plak tu....xbyk yg xbestnye dpt plak kls yg plg hjg....kalo da kls hjg tu ko tau la cmne budak2 die....sabo je la aku....our group buat 2 sesi....sesi pertame tu sesi kvin n cip....hahahaha....the funny thing is mase time kalut2 nk g SMK Kalumpang 2 plak hp kvin pandai t'off kte org 3 minachi ni pn nek la teksi g skolah 2....cip da nebes da....kvin x angkat2 fon...but thank God....die smpai jgak akhirnye (cm cite action pack la plak...hero smpai almost at the end...hahahaha)....sesi aku ngn kele plak was on the following week....seb bek la budak2 faham ape aku ckp.....kalo x....mybe aku hrs tukar profession la kot....ngajar budak2 yg level of proficiency die low mmg kene byk our session siap....the last macro teaching is finally done!!!
Ok...skrg sbb aku mls nk susun picha ni ikut tarikh kejadian...aku je story je k.....maapkan mak ye....mak da letih study tok final ni....ini adalah acara selingan sbb otak aku xleh nk digest ilmu2 yg tpampang dlm buku yg aku bace....
So....easy 2 say....sem ni ngn sem lps kte org xbyk buat gathering sbb ade RQ dr mmbr2 yg merengek nk kuar mkn kte org pn g la kt kedai makan dpn traffic light (maapnye....kalo anda xtau)......gathering same2...mkn same2....ketawe same2....myeksa jiwa waiter yg amik order kte org same2....n sume la same2....





Well to all my gud friends here.....all the best for u guys.....hope u guys pray 4 me 2.....lps exam xde cuti2 ye....yg nk blk kmpg lps cuti ingt blk sini balik.....jgn memandai buat cuti sndri....well...mak cau sin zi dlu ye....nk tdo da ni....jap g aym da nk bkokok da....bubbye....
peace out....
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