Happy 7th anniversary to my beloved man.....Mr. Gary Liew.....thanx for everything hun....^_^ Im so sorry for everything such as merajuk2 xtentu pasal (period kot...hmmmm)....being talkative (pompuan la katekan...hahahaha...), and macam2 la....hehehe...thank you for putting up with me although I byk songeh....hehehe...agak2 no other man can put up with my attitude....ask him...he knows how hard it is to take care of me...hehehe....
7 years babe....7 long years....org kate kalo korg kawen mesti bleh hasilkan 1 team bola sepak (ingat mak ni mesin pengeluar anak ke?) its not that we dun 1 to settle down....tp masa and keadaan blom mengizinkan la.....wait la....honeymoon puas2 lok...later2 la we kawen....die ckp kawen xyah nek kete...nek motosikal je...ikat tin kosong kt blkg moto....romantik ape...hehehe...mmg la we want to get married A.S.A.P but relax la....da sampai seru nnti kte anta wedding invitation (gune FB je....trend zaman skrg....wedding jmpt mmbr2 dlm FB....WHAT THE....!!!)
Hopefully....this relationship will be bless until we tie the knot.....God bless you dearest....keep on rocking yeah!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND FOREVER.....
keep me strong through all these years....
I thank God for Him had sent me you....
to make me realize that I am worthy to be love by a man....
Thank you is a small piece offering...
for your kindness....
your patience....
your strength....
your endless love...
for me...
I love you so much...
Happy 7th anniversary love....
may this anniversary be a corner for us...
to relentlessly saying I love you...
forever and always.....